
Here you'll find the Brainteaser of the Month, as well as the full archive of past Brainteasers. Test your knowledge of Roberts Rules of Order and parliamentary procedure from level 1, to the most difficult level 5.

Brainteaser of the Month

Your oganization follows Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (12th Edition). As an alternative to the Secretary keeping minutes, it has been suggested that an electronic recording or AI verbatim transcript be used as the minutes. Is that acceptable under Robert's? 

(difficulty level - 5)

No. “The use by the secretary of a recording device can be of great benefit in preparing the minutes, but a transcription from it should never be used as the minutes themselves” RONR (12th ed.) 48:6.

Also, if the minutes follow the Robert's model and are a record of what was DONE at the meeting and not what was said, there should be no need for such exhaustive details. See Best Practices for Board Meeting Minutes for links to several articles on minutes.

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